Student Equity Committee - Request for Proposals
Overview of Process
1) Submit completed application to the SEC electronically. You must use your district e-mail to set up your account.
2) SEC members review the proposal, and will request clarification on the proposal if needed.
3) Proposals are scored and weighted on two measures: 1) overall strength of proposal and 2) how well the proposal aligns with one of the Student Equity Metrics listed below.
4) SEC representative notifies project leader in August.
5) Project leader writes a concluding report.
EVC Student Equity Measures
1. Successful Enrollment in the first year (Black/African American)
2. Completed TL Math & English in the first year (LatinX)
3. Persisted from First Primary Term to Next (LatinX)
4. Attained Vision Goal Definition of Completion (Economically Disadvantaged)
5. Transferred to a 4-Year Institution (Economically Disadvantaged)
The 2022- 2025 Student Equity Plan can be viewed at the link below.
Link here:
Student Equity Allowable Expenses
These requested equity funds must be spent by June 30, 2024.
1. Targeted outreach to potential student groups and communities identified in the Student Equity Plan as being from disproportionately impacted groups, including targeted publications and outreach materials.
2. Student services and student services categorical programs that directly support improved outcomes on success indicators for target populations prioritized in the Student Equity Plan.
3. Research and evaluation related to improving student equity.
4. Hiring short-term/hourly staff directly supporting and implementing student equity activities.
5. Support for student equity planning processes.
6. Food and beverages for equity related planning meetings, professional development or student gatherings.
7. Professional development, including funding of consultants to educate faculty and staff on the effects of inequities and strategies to reduce them; methods for detecting and researching inequities and their effects on college programs and local communities; improving the use of data, and effective practices and methods for addressing and improving outcomes for under-served students.
8. Developing or adapting academic or career related programs, curriculum and courses to improve student equity outcomes.
9. Providing embedded tutoring and other instructional support services that do not generate FTES.
10. In-State travel in support of student equity. Out-of-state travel for college employees or students will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with approval from the Chancellor’s Office.
11. Computers and related peripherals to be used primarily by students, excluding large scale technology projects.
12. Other Direct Student Support including books, miscellaneous supplies and materials for students, student transportation, and childcare.
- Award
- Varies
- Campus
- Evergreen Valley College
- Deadline
- 04/13/2025