Women's & Gender Studies Department Scholarship

One $300 *Scholarship available if you meet the following criteria:
: Any
Minimum G.P.A.: 3.0
Completed EVC Units (minimum): 12 with at least one course which focus on women:
WS-010 Intro. to Women and Gender Studies
AJ 123- Women and Criminal Justice
EDIT-026- Women in STEM
Engl.-032-Gender in Literature
Hist.-014- Women in American History
Psych-026- Violence Against Women: Cross-Cultural Perspective
Psych-096-Marrige, Family, and Intimate Relations
Psych-100-Human Sexuality
Current units enrolled at EVC: 6
Required units to be enrolled in upcoming semester: 12 units at EVC
Additional requirements: N/A
Essay topic: Explain the skills, knowledge and support you believe women need to succeed in the 21st century society?

Evergreen Valley College
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you completed at least one course in Women's and Gender Studies at EVC?
  2. If you have completed, or are currently enrolled in a Women's & Gender studies course, please upload a copy of your transcript.
  3. Explain the skills, knowledge and support you believe women need to succeed in the 21st century society?